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Tettra Academy

Tips and Tricks

Kai: Tettra's AI

how to use Kai to answer questions automatically, in Tettra and with the Slack integration

Notifications & Verification

using these two features to make a super-charged todo list customized for you

Page Editor Tips and Tricks

some of Jen's favorite ways to use the page editor

how to add content from outside of Tettra (videos, images, etc)

Page Updates

requesting that a page owner update content in Tettra

Images in Tettra

some ways to work with images, including in tables!

Importing PDFs in Tettra

PDF contents are searchable - a great way to get content in to Tettra quickly

Verification Basics

our favorite feature for making sure content is accurate and up-to-date

Linking a Page in Two Categories

for when you want to feature a page in more than one place

Sorting Items in a Category

how to reorganize content and the three different sorting modes

Sharing in Tettra

who can see what, when

Customizing Team Home

adding content to your team's home page